Friday, April 28, 2023

A Fortunate Woman by Polly Morland (Emma 172)

 Taking the book A Fortunate Man (The Story of Country Doctor) by John Berger, written in 1966 about the English country GP, John Sassall.  This book is an update, like the previous book the stories and characters are an amalgam although the Doctor is real.  This doctor knows her patients, she lives in their valley and understands their lives.  It would be interesting to see how much country life has changed to compare this with the earlier book, even now the closeness of the doctor's relationship with her patience was difficult for some to appreciate living here in London, where since COVID appointments are often by phone not in person. However, it was interesting to see the NHS in action, to read how early interventions make such a difference in outcomes. How important it is for someone to understand the person and or the life they come from when making assessments on their health.

This book generated a discussion about the NHS, the slow decline in services, how it is changing and it became a little political.  Many thought the writing dull but worthy - not making the stories as interesting as they could be.

Words used to describe it:  inciteful, empathetic, dull, pleasant, worthy, interesting, useful

Marks out of 10:  between 6 - 8

Next Book

How the World Really Works by Vaclav Smil

Next Meeting

w/e 20/21 May

Brighton at Carolyn's

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