Thursday, July 17, 2008

Paradise Overload by Brian Antoni

Wednesday 16 July

Paradise Overload by Brian Antoni

Firstly, welcome to our new member Judy. We do hope that you enjoy our book club and the eclectic range of literature that we read. This website was started last Sept, not all books have reviews although there is a list of books at the bottom for reference.

Review of the book: Nikki, having lived in the Bahamas and knowing the author read and enjoyed the book which evoked and brought back memories of her time there. Generally those of us who couldn't use those kind of memories while reading this book thought it was 'cheap airport paperback fodder'; too much bad sex and not enough good writing. It scored a low 0 - 4 on the marks and words used to describe it were: crass drivel, seedy - but good storyline, could do better, hustler on coke.

Next Book

The Bellini Card by Jason Goodwin

Next Meeting
Tuesday 12th Aug at 49 Finlay St