Friday, July 30, 2010

Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky

This was an intense book - a harsh description of the French before and during the German occupation. Following the various families and their trials - it was difficult to warm to some of the characters, the bourgeoisies do not come out of this book well. Not an easy read, but worth it. Most felt that the end of the book showed it's 'unfinishedness' the fact that the author had not had time to complete it properly. The story behind of the author and her death in a concentration camp - the book lying and being carted around the world for the next 60 years, was almost more interesting than the book it's self.

Words used to describe it: visual, lyrical, insiders view, 'indictment of French manners' evening standard 9/2010. Marks out of 10 between 7 & 9 so very high for a book club book.

Next Book

A Most Wanted Man by John le Carre

Next Meeting
Tuesday 21th September
Nikki Clinton's new house
12 Hartismere Road, SW6

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Great Lover by Jill Dawson

We all need an Albert, what a wonderful man, can we poach him.........please! Thank you Rona for another wonderful evening in the shed. Delicious food, lovely butler, great company.
The book: written from two perspectives - about a period in time of the life of the poet Rupert Brookes. Many of us knew his poetry, not much was known about his life. This book although obviously full of factual details annoyed many with it's two person narration. The 'bright young things' of this period also grated. Where they really this annoying and shallow? The book didn't generate that much of a discussion, but there were very disparate views on the book.

Words used to describe it: poetic licence, interesting topic, bi-narration annoyance, cross between DH Lawrence - Sons & Lovers and Upstairs Downstairs. Marks out of 10: between 3 and 7.

Next meeting
Tuesday 27th July
at Carolyn's
12 Lysia Street

Next books: - sorry guys two books but one is very, very slim!
Love of Seven Dolls by Paul Gallico

you will have to get this off Abebooks (out of print)
this is quite expensive as it's out of print.
I have a couple of copies which I am prepared to lend out,
if you promise to be really careful with the books. Rowena

Main book

Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky

Other interesting books - nearly chosen
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson

Burying the Bones by Hilary Spurling

about Pearl Buck, infamous American's life in China
at the turn of the last century, and her life subsequently.