Friday, April 30, 2010

About the Author by John Colapinto

A clever entwined story of an aspiring author and his flatmate. Stuart dies in a cycle accident and Cal finds his files full of stories - made out of his recollections of his evenings out. Almost Like Suicide becomes his book and makes him a success. It all goes awfully wrong. Rather like 'Scary Movie' where each character does exactly what you shouldn't do (if you had ever seen a scary movie) Cal keeps making the situation worse. Everyone liked this book - so much so there was very little discussion, so a good book, but not a good Book Club Book!
Words used to describe it: movie material, intriguing, flowed, romping (non sexual), predictable - in a non derogatory way.
Marks - very high 6 - 9!

Next Book

The Ghost by Robert Harris

Next Meeting
Thursday 27th May

Venue not confirmed, but hopefully Chrissie if she hasn't killed the builder by then!