Thursday, October 16, 2008

Solar Lottery

Well, what can we say about this book. Many good ideas - almost too many for the story. It was not well written, the storylines were not easy to follow. Those coming to Si-Fi for the first time thought it was dreadful. Those of us who have read Si-Fi before thought that it was not one of the best of it's genre. The author was an 'interesting' man, the style of writing showed 'autistic' tendancy. Generally not a good book. Sorry folks! Words used to describe it: too many plots, interesting concept, unemotional/detached, converluted, a few good ideas badly executed. It scored between 1 - 6.

Next Book

The Earthsea Quartet by Ursula Le Guin
if you click on the picture it will take you to the amazon secondhand book list

Next Meeting

Wednesday 12 November
at 99 Wardo Avenue

(Cindy's Flat)

Next Event

Date to be confirmed:
Sing-a-long a Mamma Mia at Mandy's House!