Monday, June 7, 2021

Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

Set in Tokyo of the late 1960's this novel follows Toru Watanabe looking back at his college student days and his relationships with two different women.  Naoko, beautiful but emotionally troubled, and the lively and outgoing Midori.  There was an interesting discussion about how books age (this one was written in 1987) and has a detached and juvenile aspect where the sex written about is titillating rather than descriptive.  There is very little Japanese culture although very descriptive.  We on the whole found the book disappointing.

Words used to describe it:  juvenile, of it's time, too wordy, tedious, why, bleak, detached

Marks out of 10:  between 5 - 7

Next Book

Beyond Brilliant by Dipna Anand

Next Meeting

Wednesday 23rd June - 8.00pm


5 Treadgold St, W11

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