The prose of this hedonistic, nialistic, misoganistic, rascist, drug and alcohol fueled road trip is lyrical. The story is a stream of concisousness escapade. Difficult to follow the storyline, the protagonist, a journalist, with his accountant friend decide to crash an event in LA, to do so they top loaded on drugs - so many drugs, I had to look up what they all did. Up, down, round about, who knows they didn't care, the consdequence of taking all these pharmacuticals and booze is an hallusangentic, hedonistic roadtrip. I watched the movie to try and make more sense of the story - that didn't really help although it did give a framework to the fact that it was hard to understand what was going on. It was interesting to note, rather like Oscar Wilde, how many phrases and words have now entered common parlance - 'Gonzo' anyone. The cruel but accurate writing is a character as much as the people decribed. A difficult if headonistic read.
Marks out of 10: betwee 6 - 9
Words used to describe it: Gonzo writing, halucinagentic, strangley remanicent, hedonistic, cooking with drugs
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Friday 13th May at Emma's
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