Wednesday, March 22, 2017

House of Mirth by Edith Wharton

Lily Bart, a well born, beautiful, educated but impoverished woman, living in New York's high society around the turn of the century, where the one aim in a woman's life is to 'snare' a husband, preferably a rich one.  As her 29th year approaches her prospects become slimmer.  The book highlights the gender gap, where women were not expected to 'do' anything to ensure their future except to marry and if this didn't happen - what then?  If you had no family or money to support you -  a slow decent from privilege to a tragic, lonely existence on the margin of society.  

Ms Wharton's beady, critical eye scythes through high society where petty infractions of perceived rules were ruthlessly judged, exclusion and expunction from the social circle where the consequences.  If you don't fit, aren't rich enough or make a social mistake, that's it you're out.  Especially if you are a woman. Men or rich people could flout the rules as much as they wish.  Lily colludes in her downfall by falling into debt, playing cards for money (and losing) and flouting convention by meeting  a man alone.  All which play into her downfall.
Slow to get going many didn't finish this book.

Words used to describe it:   overwritten, snobby, overt antisemitism, cruel, frustrating 

Marks out of 10:  between 6 - 8

Next Book
Exit West by Moshim Hamid

Cindy can get copies of the book from Nomad Books

Next Meeting 
5 April 12 Lysia St - hosted by Moira

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