The book: an interesting premise; what would you do if cutting off a finger meant saving the life of an African child that you had never met before - would you do it? The rest of the book was concerned with the central character's life and the girl. How the main character and her husband had got to that point and the consequences of this event on their lives. Giles hated the book even though he hadn't read it, didn't know what it was about and wasn't going to try it. The rest of us were underwhelmed. It would have made the most amazing short story a taut, demanding and interesting moral story. We didn't really discuss the story although picked the construction of the book apart. Absent members (Amanda & Peter) critic "We both read the book. Can't say either of us liked it. The plot was implausible. Characters not well drawn. Unsure why anyone would call this book a thriller as it lacked the necessary pace". Words used to describe it: misrepresented, good not great, oversold, shoot the editor, interestingly divisive. Marks out of 10 between 4 - 7.
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The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
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Wednesday 16th September
128 Harbord Street
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
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Wednesday 16th September
128 Harbord Street
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