Nature or nurture? Indifferent mothering or even absent mothering what effect does this have on a child. Antara's mother is suffering from dementia, should she take her into her home and care for her in her declining years. Her 'abusive' childhood is slowly reveled through short glimpses of her upbringing. The neglect she suffered from her narcissistic mother, who basically forgot her when she wasn't convenient to have around. Who left her to be brought up by others when she became enthralled with a guru. Despite the two main protagonists being fairly unsympathetic characters, the moral dilemma of looking after your mother when you are not sure that you even like let alone love her..........should you?
The book generated an interesting discussion about aged parents, guilt and cultural expectations. Did we like the book, not so much, but we did enjoy the phrasing and language used.
Marks out of 10 - between 5 - 8
Words used to describe it: ambiguous, multi layered, OK, cruel, painful, evocative, detached.
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An Experiment in Love by Hilary Mantel
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Thursday 11th March