The story told from the old woman is of the 'Comfort Women' of Korea, kidnapped and forced into prostitution for the Japanese army. Jae-hee tells this story, how her life was under Communist rule in North Korea, her fiancees arrest, her escape and her success in S Korea and her plunge into poverty once her secret comes out - she was once was a comfort women. The horror and degradation of her time as a comfort woman is not easy reading, and more importantly an aspect of history that should not be ignored.
In the discussion afterwards what struck people most was the 'deus ex machina maquina' device of furthering the action - using the story of the Empress/Goddess who is supposed to unify Korea.
Words used to describe it:
harrowing, informed, enlightening, compelling, factual
Marks out of 10 - between 5 - 8
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20th June - Mandy's