Sunday, August 16, 2015

Injury Time by Beryl Bainbridge

An incisive and stiletto cruel look at a mundane life of a middle manger and his mistress's life, made absurd when robbers burst in on their oh so twee dinner party.  With clever dialogue and sharp observations, Ms Bainbridge manages to bring out the ridiculousness of people and their attitudes and and the social mores that mean so much to some.  Alma the drunk neighbour acts as the catalyst, bringing the other protaganists thoughts to the fore.  None of the charcaters were likeable although there was a harsh black humor in the writing.  There was a play like feel about the story, with well drawn characters, placed in their grey 1970's homes, with all the awfulness of class distinctions being laid bare.  

Words used to describe it:  suprisingly good ending, abrupt ending, good begining - muddled middle - frenetic end, rape scene shockingly graphic, vivid

Marks out of 10:  between 6 - 8

Next Book

The Rosie Project: Don Tilman 1 by Grahme Simison

Next Meeting
126 Harbord St

Friday 18th September