The book generated a good discussion about mental health, perceptions of mental illness, and what guilt can do to the mind. A number of us found the protagonist difficult to 'like' and were hoping for more of a clear cut description of schizophrenia, other loved the terse phrasing and clever descriptions of the illness cleverly linked in with the story line.
Thank you Carolyn for all the lovely eats - thank goodness we hadn't eaten, and for the wonderful post book discussion of politics, religion and prostitution!
Words used to describe the book:
realistic description, bit blah, unengaging but, enlightening, interesting,
Marks out of 10 - between 5 - 8 so quite highly marked.
Next book
Germania by Simon Winder
Next Meeting (excluding X'mas dinner on 17th December)
Thursday 15th January
126 Harbord St