Friday, July 19, 2013

Eleven Minutes by Paul Coelho

Maria, a beautiful Brazilian girl, brought up far from Rio - scarred by the rejection of her first love - the boy who offered her a pencil, which she failed to take - walks the inevitable path from country isolation and unappreciated beauty to the city where her looks bring her the coveted ticket to the rich West.  How is a girl like this to survive if she is not educated?  So yes, the oldest profession beckons in Geneva.  Maria finds she has an aptitude, she is disengaged, she even enjoys it and yes, it is only sex to her.  The book discusses her journey, how she remains true to herself and finds her love. 

The discussion of this book didn't center on the sex, but on Maria and her journey.  It elicited various and differing opinions.  It might have been that the translation didn't make the prose as lyrical as it should be, but most felt that the diary entries were leaden in comparison to the story. Having said that a number really didn't like the book.

Words used to describe it:      pretentious and humourless, pointless, unexpected, enlightening poetic, disappointing, premature ejaculation, simplistic, I've only come for the wine, could have been more.
Marks out of 10 - between 3 - 8 with 4 people giving it 8 - so the harsh remarks may not reflect the actual enjoyment of the book.

Next book

Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

Next Meeting

Thursday 5th September 8pm 
130 Harbord Street

The Shed and all who sail in her!

 Homage to The Shed!

Goblins and pixies are jealous you see,
Cos Rona has a shed in her back garden, Yipee.
This shed is  divine, and useful too
With fire, seating and possibly a Yazoo?
Each time we arrive and shuffle ourselves in
Rona and Albert ply us with gin
 (oh Ok wine but it doesn't scan)
Chocolate brownies and little eats galore
We try and talk books but just want more
of the delicious grub and white wine juice
Our Book Club, you know, is really quite loose.

So Rona, for you, a homage to
To the Goddess of treats and chocolate goo
A heartfelt thank you and let's do it again.
Even though Albert's gone we love you too.

Excruciating verse - unattributed