Thank you Gilly for hosting last nights Book Club - hope we weren't too noisy leaving! Now onto the book/play!
A short and not so sweet look at the lot of single middle aged women, in the late 40's/50's living in New York. Their abject loneliness and the shallow life they lead, due to circumstance, societal expectations and reduced self confidence. Widows, divorcees, single women each of the characters conforms to one of these characterisations. Some of Dorothy Parker's wit and wisecracks make it through into the dialogue of the play, It is generally accepted that Parker was not a natural playwright, and some of the dialogue was klunky. Tthis particular play is thought to have been one of her best even though it was not that well received at the time - possibly, might be better received now. The play is set in one of the long term serviced apartment hotels, that were popular at the time, the women gossip, go to movies sew and generally pass the time. Each character is used to illustrate a 'type' and draws out our sympathy for them and their situation. Back stories are hinted at and characters are well drawn.
A short and not so sweet look at the lot of single middle aged women, in the late 40's/50's living in New York. Their abject loneliness and the shallow life they lead, due to circumstance, societal expectations and reduced self confidence. Widows, divorcees, single women each of the characters conforms to one of these characterisations. Some of Dorothy Parker's wit and wisecracks make it through into the dialogue of the play, It is generally accepted that Parker was not a natural playwright, and some of the dialogue was klunky. Tthis particular play is thought to have been one of her best even though it was not that well received at the time - possibly, might be better received now. The play is set in one of the long term serviced apartment hotels, that were popular at the time, the women gossip, go to movies sew and generally pass the time. Each character is used to illustrate a 'type' and draws out our sympathy for them and their situation. Back stories are hinted at and characters are well drawn.
Words used to describe the book:
full of pathos, sad indictment of women of their time, melancholic, ripe for adaptation with Dames, poignant
Marks out of 10 - between 7 - 8 so highly rated by us all.
Next Book
The Years of Wonder
by Geraldine Brooks
Next Meeting
Friday 8th March - change of time 8pm
at 12 Lysia Street