Wednesday, August 8, 2012

High Tea in Mosul by Lynne O'Donnell

Last night (26th July), Lynne O'Donnell kindly came to speak to HSBClub about her book High Tea in Mosul

The book is an account of life in Iraq under Saddam through the lives of two English women who married Iraqi men in the 1970's and moved there.  Through their lives we see the changes in the country throughout Sadam Hussein's rule, the devastation and effects of the American invasion and the horrendous break down of law and order with the factional in-fighting.   Using the stories of Pauline and Margaret, Lynne manages to illustrate, in a human way, the ordinary lives of Iraqi's dealing with the food rationing, the police, anti West propaganda and the almost constant war.  It was moving, illuminating and in places difficult read.

We had many questions for Lynne, which she answered with great clarity - mostly not specific to the book!  What was also interesting was the process of publishing a book yourself.  The difficulty of getting it noticed, but also how much one can do ones self.  Lynne's knowledge of the area, the factions and internecine conflict in the Middle East was impressive - as were her stories of life as a war correspondent. It was also interesting to hear how the book was received by the women themselves and their families. 

I would like to thank Lynne for taking time out of her schedule to come and to talk to us.  We all found it fascinating and so interesting.  It brought the book and the area so much to life. 

Next Book
Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maughan

Wednesday 5th September

130 Harbord St