An excellent story - with a twist - which some of us guessed but it didn't spoil the story! A woman wakes up each day with no memory of her life - just snippets and those memories that she does have are from 20 years ago! She doesn't remember the man lying beside her, her own face, the house she is living in - until her husband explains that she had an accident 20 years ago that has damaged her brain, he is her husband, this is their new house as their other one burnt down (hence the few photo's). She accepts this until the day Dr Nash rings and tells her to look in the bottom of the wardrobe for her journal - in which she writes all that she has learnt the previous days. An interesting concept - how important are memories to our perception of ourselves. Without memories what are we? If you don't remember what happened the day before - does it actually exist?
The round table discussion - although rather difficult to hold as we had an almost full quorum of book clubbers that night; was full and interesting. Most of us enjoyed the book and the twist. There were aspects of the novel that grated but the story was gripping.
Marks out of 10 between 7 - 9 so highly rated.
Words used to describe it: Clever, memorable, maintains momentum, intriguing, brilliant, implausible, compelling, gripping, unforgettable!
Next Book:
Ask the Dust by John Fante
Next Meeting:
April 26th Thursday
128 Harbord St
For those able to make it,
Reg Gadney will be at Mandy's to receive our opinions on his new book
A Woman in Silk
12th April.