Wow - what a great evening. Delicious food and great discussions. We all had so much to say on this book that it ended up with small discussions going on around the table rather than a group wide debate. The story is well known, although the language is simple. The book still has the power to inform, move and confirm the cynicism in many of us. Re reading this book was interesting - most of us had read it in our idealistic youth and coming back to it in our cynical middle age was revealing - especially with the revolutionary fever in the North Africa/Middle East at the moment. How much will these revolutions mirror the events of Animal Farm? The cynics say a lot, the idealists hope not much! It was good to read this book again - thanks Alison.
Words used to describe it: iconic, nostalgic (for the rebel I was), relevant, enduring, timeless, poignant, thoroughly enjoyable, human nature, dated, slightly irrelevant, cynical.
Marks out of 10 - most voted 9 with a couple of 8's!
On another note - there is a newish website called Read It Swap It, see link to the right, where you can swap your books with other readers. No money involved. Have a look. It might help keep that ever increasing pile of paperbacks down!
Next book
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Next Meeting
Wednesday 6th April
126 Harbord Street (Rowena's)