A book of it's time. Set at the begining of the 60's in depressed and bombed out London. An unmarried pregnant woman, sets up home in an attic room in a shabby boarding house in Fulham. The book discusses in the first person the problems associated with and perceptions of unmarried pregnancy at this time. Everyone enjoyed the book, words used to discribe it - influencial, preiod piece, prim yet provocative, seminal, nostalgic yet gritty. It was marked quite highly from 7 - 9. The book reflected the age in which it was written: with it's now unacceptable illustration of jews, blacks and unmarried mothers and the prejudice that prevailed. An interesting book.
Link to a synopsis of the film. http://www.britmovie.co.uk/genres/drama/filmography/029.html
Link to a synopsis of the film. http://www.britmovie.co.uk/genres/drama/filmography/029.html
Some one suggested that along side this we should read 'A Taste of Honey' by Shelagh Delaney http://www.britmovie.co.uk/genres/drama/filmography/090.html
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A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle
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Wednesday 18th June
124 Harbord Street - Nikki's
A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle
Next Meeting
Wednesday 18th June
124 Harbord Street - Nikki's